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Eden Tourism Network

The Eden Tourism Network brings together a variety of Eden tourism businesses andEden Tourism Network meeting organisations who meet on a quarterly basis at venues throughout the local area.

The network is made up of over 100 representatives from tourism businesses in Eden and provides an opportunity to share information and discuss the latest tourism developments and issues at both a local and national level. Meetings are chaired by the commercial sector and include visiting speakers on topical issues and practical business presentations, enabling members to be informed and take away practical ideas for their own business.

Members of the Network inform and advise the work of the Visit Eden Team at Westmorland and Furness Council and stage an annual Tourism Summit.

The Eden Tourism Network acts as a collective voice for the Eden Tourism industry.

2024 meeting dates

  • Tuesday 30th January at 2pm at Arturo's Lounge, New Squares, Penrith
  • Tuesday 21st May at 2pm, Hutton in the Forest
  • Thursday 5th September at 2pm, The George Hotel, Penrith
  • Tuesday 3rd December at 2pm, venue tbc

Why not join the Eden Tourism Network?

Benefits include:

  • A great opportunity to meet and network with other Eden operators from the accommodation, attraction and food sectors
  • A chance to hear the latest news and developments in tourism from guest speakers
  • Free membership
  • The chance to input into the work of the Visit Eden Team at Westmorland and Furness Council - have your views and ideas heard, be part of a new tourism project
  • Priority invite to the Tourism Summit
  • Regular trade e-newsletters with the latest tourism news and developments, events and training opportunities

"I could see that a lot of time and effort had gone into this event from the team and from the speakers too, so please thank all those involved. It was a very useful meeting!" an Eden Valley based Tourism Operator.

For more information contact the Visit Eden Team:
