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Tourism Research and Visitor Numbers

Appleby Cloisters photo courtesy of the Nurture Eden Photo Library

We part commission STEAM (Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor) research to show the value and volume of tourism in Eden.

2022 STEAM research:

  • 4.61 million tourism visits to Eden
  • Between them, these visitors brought in £582.28 million to Eden’s economy
  • Tourism provided employment for 6,108 full time equivalent (FTE) posts

2021 STEAM research:

  • 4.21 million tourism visits to Eden
  • Between them, these visitors brought in £352.4 million to Eden’s economy
  • Tourism provided employment for 4,178 full time equivalent (FTE) posts

2020 STEAM research:

  • 2.52 million tourism visits to Eden
  • Between them, these visitors brought in £199.4 million to Eden’s economy
  • Tourism provided employment for 2,592 full time equivalent (FTE) posts

This was a fall of 51% in tourist numbers and a decrease of 49% in direct expenditure and economic impact.

2019 STEAM research:

  • 5.14 million tourism visits to Eden (an increase of 1.6% on 2018)
  • A massive £390.7 million (up 6.9% on 2018) being generated within the local economy through visitor and tourism business expenditure
  • Tourism accounted for 4,722 full time equivalent (FTE) posts (an increase of 1.8% on 2018).

2018 STEAM research:

  • 5.06 million tourism visits (an increase of 1.3% on 2017)
  • A massive £365.4 million (up 8.6% on 2017) being generated within the local economy through visitor and tourism business expenditure
  • Tourism accounted for 4,639 full time equivalent (FTE) posts (an increase of 3.7% on 2017).

Cumbria Tourism can provide further research figures for Cumbria, for more information please visit the research section of their website.


For more information contact the Visit Eden Team:
